anonymous female therapist and client sitting in armchairs during session in modern office

You say transparency, I say honesty

So what is the point of a privacy notice? Issuing a ‘legal notice’ to a data subject as required under the law? Or, is it instead just a method of transparency? As you can imagine, I choose the latter!

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Reflecting on 2023

My word what a year 2022 has been. Ups, downs, lefts and rights I can safely say I know all the moves to the Time Warp (it’s just a step to the left…).

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The Data Protection and Digital Information Bill – a missed opportunity

Is this Bill a nasty reversal of Data Protection law, possibly. Does it remove that ‘pesky EU legislation’ from our law, no not really. To me, it comes across and tampering with a law for the sake of tampering. Keeping the windows the same so it looks like we are playing ball with our EU commitments, while actually moving the furniture and redecorating to make it even more confusing for UK based Data Controllers.

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